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The Science Curriculum at MPJS

At Mount Pleasant Junior School, Science is taught to ensure children have the opportunity to work and think like a scientist. We teach Science using a carefully considered spiral curriculum so that children have the opportunity to revisit and deepen their learning in biology, chemistry and physics. We have identified the significant concepts that all children need to know and remember. These are organised into specific scientific enquiries formulated around learning questions. They explore these questions for a sequence of lessons. Within our learning questions, we have identified a number of opportunities for children to have educational visits and visitors that act as a launchpad for learning and contextualise abstract concepts for them, for example, Year 5 visit Winchester Planetarium. We also have enrichment opportunities through our responsible roles and clubs such as Gardening Gang, Team Wilder and Healthy Eating. We aim for children to leave us with both knowledge and skills to understand themselves and the world around them.

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Learning Journeys


To understand how forces work, what affects them and how they are used in our everyday lives?

–          Friction

–          Air resistance

–          Water resistance

–          Gravity

–          Streamlining


–          Newton

–          Galileo

–          Magnets

–          Levers

–          Pulleys

–          Gears

Earth and Space

To understand what is beyond our planet and how it affects our days.

Movement of the Solar System

–          Geocentric

–          Heliocentric

–          Planets

Understanding the effects of the Earth’s movement

–          Night and day

–          Shadows

–          The sun

Phases of the moon

–          Lunar eclipse


To know about different kinds of rocks and fossils and how they are formed.
Formation of rock

Types of rock

–          Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic


–          How fossils are made

–          Mary Anning

Light and Sound

To understand how light and sound behaves and how it helps us to see and hear.

–          Light sources

–          Sound sources

–          Light and darkness

–          How light travels

–          Reflection, refraction

–          How sound is made and travels

–          Vibration

Properties of materials:

–          Shadows

–          Insulating sound

–          Pitch and volume


To know about how electricity travels, how it can be affected and how we can be safe around it.


–          Components

–          Symbols

–          Diagrams

–          voltage


–          conductors and insulators

–          resistance

Sources of electricity

–          safety

–          appliances

–          weather

States of Matter

To know the difference between solids, liquids and gasses and how they can be changed.

–          Solids, liquids and gasses

–          Movement of molecules

–          Changes in state

–          Water cycle

–          Reversible and irreversible

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