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How Computing is Taught at Mount Pleasant Junior School

At MPJS computing is taught in a spiral curriculum composed of discrete weekly computing sessions and Learning Question units. The aims of this are to cover the National Curriculum for computing, to ensure that children have the levels of Digital Literacy to be able to function in the modern world and know how to keep themselves safe online. This intends to ensure pupils start their secondary schooling equipped with all the foundations skill necessary in coding and Digital literacy. The Learning Question units allow pupils to become fully immersed in specific areas of computing. As part of our responsible roles in school, Digital Leaders contribute to the success of units by supporting their peers. During their time at MPJS, children will become proficient in using a range of Microsoft Office software. The aim by year 6 is that children will be able to select and use the appropriate programme for a purpose.

We use Teach Computing to deliver our coding and programming Learning Questions. This ensures that children are building on basic coding skills in a progressive way. Coding is taught through a variety of programmes such as Scratch Junior and Logo. Coding is taught as part of the year 6 transition to seconadary project and is supported by secondary specialist teachers.

Online safety underpins all of our computing sessions and links with our RSHE curriculum. The Curriculum objectives are taken from the UK Council for Internet Safety ‘Education for a Connected World’ framework. This is divided into eight strands:

  • Self-image and identity
  • Managing online information
  • Online relationships
  • Health, well-being and lifestyle
  • Online reputation
  • Privacy and security
  • Online bullying
  • Copyright and ownership

Computing Progression of Skills

Year 3 Digital Literacy Coding
Autumn IT Fundamentals

  • Logging on and off
  • Opening Microsoft Word
  • Keyboard skills: One space, a capital letter using CAPS lock, a full stop.


Microsoft Word

  • Using the ‘file’ and ‘save/save as’ to save documents.
  • Change the text size and colour.
  • Write in bold and italics.
  • Underline a heading/subheading.
LQ: Branching Databases
Spring LQ: Animation

Session 1 and 2: Bee Bots

Session 3 – 12: Year  Programming animations through Scratch Junior (Teach Computing unit yr 1)

Summer IT Fundamentals

  • Opening the internet.
  • Understand and use ‘f’ and ‘j’ as home keys when touch typing.
  • Recognising the save, copy, paste and cut symbols on Microsoft Word.
Microsoft Word

  • Copy and paste an image into Microsoft Word.
  • Resize and move an image.
  • Insert and write in a text box.
  • Rearrange text
Year 4 Digital Literacy Coding
Autumn Session 1 -4: Understanding algorithmsSession 5 – 14: Year 3 Programming B: Events and actions in programs
Spring IT Fundamentals

  • Opening Microsoft Powerpoint.
  • Changing between two tabs (the internet and powerpoint).
  • Opening and editing a saved document.
  • Keyboard skills: A capital letter using the shift key, a question mark, an exclamation mark.
Embedding Microsoft Word skills alongside Microsoft Powerpoint

  • Insert a new slide fit for purpose e.g. title page, heading and information, heading and image.
  • Use bullet points/numbered lists.
LQ: Programming A: Repetition in ShapesLQ: Programming B: Repetition in Games
Summer IT Fundamentals

  • Keyboard skills: A comma, inverted commas for direct speech, apostrophes.
Embedding Microsoft Word skills alongside Microsoft Powerpoint

  • Use pre-identified text and colour schemes to present information.
  • Use animation to bring text/images in.
  • Use sound.
  • Add a timer to slides and animations to present information.
Year 5 Digital Literacy Coding
LQ: Using Teams
Autumn IT Fundamentals

  • Keyboard skills: Using the enter key to start a new line/paragraph, shortcuts for copy and paste.
  • Copying and pasting a large piece of text from the internet by dragging the cursor.
  • Printing a file
Embedding Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint and Teams skills.
Spring Year 5 Programming Unit A: Physical Computing
Summer IT Fundamentals

  • Using the search bar to find a program.
  • Checking and amending spellings when underlined.
  • Recognising the save, cut, copy and paste symbols on a variety of programs e.g. Microsoft and Apple.
Embedding Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint and Teams skills alongside Microsoft Publisher.

  • Use the ‘event flyer’ to create a poster.
  • Change the event flyer template to appeal to the audience.
  • Change colour scheme to appeal to the audience.
  • Insert page parts instead of text boxes.
  • Insert a saved image from google images.
LQ: Programming Unit B: Selection in Quizzes
Year 6 Digital Literacy Coding
Autumn IT Fundamentals

  • Keyboard skills: Shortcuts to copy, paste and save a document.
  • Record the source when copying and pasting an image/text.
Embedding Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, Teams and Microsoft Publisher skills alongside Microsoft Excel

  • Create a table to present information on Excel.
  • Add columns and rows.
  • Merge columns and rows where needed.
  • Change cell colours and fonts to present information clearly.
  • Using a formula to add totals in columns/rows.

LQ Programming A: Using Variables in Games

LQ: Music and Computing

Summer IT Fundamentals

  • Creating a folder to organise files.
  • Copy and paste files into relevant folders.
  • Place fingers in the correct position for touch typing.
Selecting the most appropriate Microsoft Office program based on purpose and audience of task. LQ Cantell Computing Transition Project
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